State leaders are invited to join the Pathways to Resilience Learning Network
The Pathways to Resilience Learning Network provides state leaders a collaborative space for information sharing, highlighting best practices, and exploring different approaches to preventing and addressing trauma. The virtual bi-monthly sessions feature state leaders and other national experts sharing concrete, evidence-informed, and actionable approaches to promoting healing and resilience.
Register for Learning Network sessions below. Join the Pathways to Resilience mailing list to stay up to date on upcoming events.
Upcoming Events
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Previous Events
Building Capacity in the Behavioral Health Workforce
Health workforce shortages, particularly in the behavioral health field, have been a longstanding concern across the United States and worsened during the pandemic. Hear from three health care workforce professionals about strategies they are pursuing in California, Indiana, and Utah to assess need and establish new roles and career trajectories in the workforce.
Addressing the Impact of Social Media on Youth
In an increasingly digitalized world, safeguarding the online wellbeing of our youth is a top concern. Join us in April to explore policy considerations such as enhancing content and privacy regulations on social media platforms, collaborating with tech companies to bolster safety features, and investing in mental health support related to social media use for youth that are essential steps in protecting them online.
Supporting Foster and Kin Family Recruitment and Retention
Estimates of turnover rate among foster parents range from 30 – 50 percent annually. Join us this June to hear from four state and national experts about policies and programming that can help to improve recruitment of kin and retention rates for resource/foster parents.
The Power of Youth Voices: Engaging Young People with Lived Experience
The Pathways Learning Network convened for a conversation about youth engagement. We discussed strategies, successes, challenges, and opportunities for state and organizational leaders to meaningfully and intentionally engage young people in their communities.
Supporting Indigenous Resilience and Knowledge through Culture-Based Programs and Policies
The Pathways Learning Network convened to learn about Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander acts of resilience and the ways in which state agencies can support healing from and mitigation of trauma and toxic stress among these communities.
Identifying Adversity to Promote Healing: Approaches to Screening Across Settings and Populations
Participants explored different approaches to screening for adversity across settings and populations. Leaders from the California Rural Indian Health Board, Virginia Department of Social Services Office of Trauma, and UCAAN shared their experiences.
Building Trauma-Responsive Networks of Care
Attendees learned how counties in California and Ohio are developing and sustaining trauma-responsive Networks of Care, defined as cross-sector collaborations that provide services and supports to children and families to prevent, address, and heal from trauma and toxic stress.
Preventing Violence and Helping Survivors Heal with Trauma-Responsive Policies and Practices
The Pathways Learning Network met to learn how policymakers, community leaders, and advocates are working to prevent violence and provide trauma-responsive services to individuals and communities affected by violence to support the healing process.
Creating Physical Spaces to Foster Healing and Resilience: Trauma-Informed Design
Pursuing trauma-informed and trauma-responsive approaches across sectors extends to the spaces and settings we inhabit. The Pathways Learning Network convened on May 17, 2023 to learn about advances in the fields of architecture, design, and urban planning that consider the needs of people with lived experiences of trauma to prevent re-traumatization and promote overall well-being, healing, and joy in individuals and communities.
It Starts With Us: Building a Trauma-Responsive and Resilient Workplace
Building a trauma-responsive organization can serve as the backbone to providing compassionate, collaborative programming for clients, and supporting a happy, healthy, and resilient workforce. Join us to learn actionable steps you can take to make your organization more trauma-responsive.
Skills That Go Beyond the Classroom and Prepare Students for Life: Social Emotional Learning
The Pathways Learning Network convened to learn how school districts are going beyond the traditional academic structures to create inclusive learning environments and teach specific skills like self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.
Putting Resilience into Practice
Pathways to Resilience is co-sponsoring the inaugural Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma Monthly Speaker series. Participants will learn from Elaine Miller-Karas, co-founder and Director of Innovation of the Trauma Resource Institute, as she shares her Community Resiliency Model to prevent and heal trauma.
New Opportunities for Trauma-Responsive Policies and Programming in 2023
The Pathways Learning Network convened in January 2023 for a conversation about potential pathways for implementing trauma-responsive policies and programs at the state and federal levels. Pathways to Resilience was joined by the Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) to discuss areas where new governors’ platforms and federal investments may align in the movement for trauma-responsive policies in 2023.
How Trauma-Informed Courts Can Promote Healing and Resilience
Many individuals who interact with the justice system have experienced significant trauma. To mitigate the impact of trauma and improve long-term outcomes, some courts have developed programs and policies that train court personnel on the effects of trauma and adversity, modify courtroom environments to reduce stress, and integrate services for children and families. The Pathways Learning Network convened on December 15 to hear how courts in Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee have implemented trauma-informed policies and programs to better support children and families.
Historical Trauma in America
Pathways to Resilience is co-sponsoring the Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma Monthly Speaker series event featuring Ingrid Cockren. Participants will learn how historical trauma impacts American society, including the socio-political landscape of today as well as the health of Americans.
How States Can Effectively Engage People with Lived Experience
The Pathways Learning Network convened on November 30 to learn how to meaningfully engage trauma survivors and develop policies that support them at the state and local levels. Participants learned about concrete and actionable strategies to effectively involve people with lived experience in policymaking and program implementation.
Handle with Care: A Partnership between Law Enforcement and Educators to Mitigate the Impact of Trauma on Kids
The Pathways Learning Network met on October 25 to learn about strategies for implementing Handle with Care, a model that helps law enforcement partner with schools and daycare centers to notify teachers and childcare workers when a child has been present at the scene of a traumatic event.
A Conversation with Dr. Bruce Perry: Using Science to Promote Healing and Resilience in States and Communities
The Pathways Learning Network convened on Wednesday, September 21 to discuss how the Neurosequential Model can help people respond to and care for children in developmentally appropriate ways in different settings.
Exposure to Racism and Discrimination as Sources of Trauma and Toxic Stress
Dr. Roy Wade, Jr. joined the Pathways Learning Network to discuss his experiences as a pediatrician working with children and families and share insights about opportunities for clinicians to improve communications with their patients to address trauma and prevent toxic stress.
Trauma-Responsive Approaches to Promoting Resilience Across Sectors
The first Pathways to Resilience Learning Network session for state leaders was held on Tuesday, June 7 at 12 p.m. PT / 3 p.m. ET.
Attendees learned about the Pathways to Resilience initiative and heard from state and national experts on the importance of developing trauma-responsive policies and programs across sectors.