State Actions to Prevent and Mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences

This paper highlights lessons learned from states that served as models for statewide approaches that prevent and address ACEs and the development of trauma-informed policies. It also addresses goals, policy, and programs developed and launched by states that were selected for this technical assistance project.

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Hawaiʻi: Trauma-Informed Hawai’i Task Force Establishment

Legislation that established the Trauma-Informed Hawai’i Task Force, which will propose recommendations for the state’s child-serving agencies and organizations to become collectively more trauma-informed to better serve children and families, and to improve the health of communities.

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Florida Early Childhood Courts

Summarizes Florida’s early childhood courts which are problem-solving courts that address child welfare cases involving children under the age of three. Also check out the FL Safe Babies Court Teams Video and the FL Early Childhood Court Training and Webinars.

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