Videos: Engaging Experts: Pawan Bareja on How Anyone Can Use Mindfulness to Regulate Stress
Pawan Bareja, PhD, is a trauma resolution practitioner who teaches trauma-informed mindfulness meditation at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in San Francisco, California. Mindfulness meditation is an evidence-based “stress buster” that can be used to regulate the stress response and promote healing. In this video, Dr. Bareja describes trauma-informed mindfulness meditation and how it helps people recognize and address their physical and emotional responses to stressful situations. Anyone can use mindfulness meditation to help find inner peace and balance when experiencing stressors in life, such as illness, family challenges, or financial worries. Building capacity to face to these stressful situations helps build individual resilience.
Videos: First Spouse Profile: Abby Cox
Abby Cox is the First Lady of Utah and a member of the Pathways to Resilience Steering Committee — a group of seven Governors’ First Spouses who are champions for trauma-responsive policies and programs within their states and across the country. In this video spotlight, Ms. Cox shares how her initiative, Show Up Utah, is promoting human kindness, empathy and belonging through actionable experience and resources for Utahns. By bringing together volunteers, families, nonprofits, community leaders, and businesses, Show Up Utah is working to deepen human kindness and the ability to connect. Emphasizing the role of positive experiences and relationships in supporting healing is also a key component of the Pathways to Resilience mission.
Videos: New Opportunities for Trauma-Responsive Policies and Programming in 2023
The Pathways Learning Network convened on January 11, 2023 for a conversation about potential pathways for implementing trauma-responsive policies and programs at the state and federal levels. Pathways to Resilience was joined by the Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) to discuss areas where new governors’ platforms and federal investments may align in the movement for trauma-responsive policies in 2023.
Videos: How Trauma-Informed Courts Can Promote Healing and Resilience
Many individuals who interact with the justice system have experienced significant trauma. To mitigate the impact of trauma and improve long-term outcomes, some courts have developed programs and policies that train court personnel on the effects of trauma and adversity, modify courtroom environments to reduce stress, and integrate services for children and families. The Pathways Learning Network convened on December 15 to hear how courts in Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee have implemented trauma-informed policies and programs to better support children and families.
Videos: Engaging Experts: Becky Haas on Becoming Trauma-Responsive
Becky Haas describes strategies for states and employers to become trauma-informed and responsive; discusses the importance of working across sectors to address trauma; and shares tips for avoiding re-traumatization in the justice system.
Videos: Engaging Experts: Dr. Rachel Gilgoff on Seven Strategies for Healing
In this video, the last in our three-part series, Dr. Rachel Gilgoff discusses evidence-based strategies, or “stress busters,” that help mitigate and treat toxic stress and improve health. Dr. Gilgoff provides examples of how providers and families can incorporate these strategies – supportive relationships, quality sleep, balanced nutrition, physical activity, mindfulness practices, experiencing nature, and mental health care – into their clinical practices and daily routines to improve overall wellbeing.
Videos: Skills That Go Beyond the Classroom and Prepare Students for Life: Social Emotional...
The Pathways Learning Network convened on Thursday, March 23 to learn about how school districts are going beyond the traditional academic structures to create inclusive learning environments and teach specific skills like self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. During this session, Andy Tucker, CASEL; Tanya Albornoz, Utah State Board of Education; and Emily Arkfeld, Nebraska’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (NeMTSS), discussed basic SEL principles, how to effectively incorporate SEL concepts into school curricula, and strategies for communicating the benefits of SEL to cross-sector audiences.
Videos: It Starts With Us: Building a Trauma-Responsive and Resilient Workplace
Individuals who work within systems that respond to trauma carry a high risk for secondary traumatic stress and vicarious trauma. Building a trauma-responsive organization can support a happy, healthy, and resilient workforce. The Pathways Learning Network convened on April 10, 2023 to learn more about actionable steps that can make your organization more trauma-responsive.
Videos: Creating Physical Spaces to Foster Healing and Resilience: Trauma-Informed Design
Pursuing trauma-informed and trauma-responsive approaches across sectors extends to the spaces and settings we inhabit. The Pathways Learning Network convened on May 17, 2023 to learn about advances in the fields of architecture, design, and urban planning that consider the needs of people with lived experiences of trauma to prevent re-traumatization and promote overall well-being, healing, and joy in individuals and communities. This event was held in partnership with the Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma and was also part of the #WeHealUs campaign to raise awareness of strategies to prevent adversity and build resilience and healing.
Videos: Preventing Violence and Helping Survivors Heal with Trauma-Responsive Policies and...
Learn about how policymakers, community leaders, and advocates are working to prevent violence and provide trauma-responsive services to individuals and communities affected by violence to support the healing process in this Pathways Learning Network session held June 13, 2023. Abigail Hurst, Director of Trauma-Informed Programs at Everytown for Gun Safety, explores recent research on the far-reaching impacts of gun violence on individuals, families, and communities. Andrew Woods, CEO of Hartford Communities That Care, discusses hospital-based violence intervention programs and actions state Medicaid programs can take to address violence. And Nannette Dix, Program Manager at the Louisville Office for Safe & Healthy Neighborhoods, shares how her office provides community-based programming and trauma-informed services and referrals to build more resilient communities.