“Health care systems, and other institutions and organizations, we have to do something differently, we need to change our approach. We also have to understand the harm that we’ve caused by not doing the work.”

In this installment of our Engaging Experts series, Dr. Mikah Owen and Dr. Roy Wade, Jr., offer a broad assessment of the health care landscape as it relates to trauma responsiveness, and discuss what they believe is required to improve outcomes for marginalized, misrepresented, and misunderstood populations.

Dr. Owen and Dr. Wade serve as members of the Pathways to Resilience Expert Advisory Committee. Dr. Owen, MD, MPH, MBA, is Co-Principal Investigator and Senior Director, Clinical and Academic Programs & Health Equity, at the UCLA-UCSF ACEs Aware Family Resilience Network (UCAAN). Dr. Wade, MD, PhD, MPH, MSHP is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and a general pediatrician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cobbs Creek Primary Care; in his previous Engaging Experts video, Dr. Wade explored how racism impacts health, and policy responses to address trauma and toxic stress born of racism and discrimination.