Becky Haas is a trauma-informed trainer and member of the Pathways to Resilience Expert Advisory Committee. In the latest video in our Engaging Experts series, she describes strategies for states and employers to become trauma-informed and responsive.
It is important for employers to train and equip their staff to recognize trauma behaviors. In a school setting, this might mean educators are able to distinguish between a child’s survival behavior as opposed to willful misbehaving. In the justice setting — where the population served is likely to have experienced trauma — this might entail judges, chiefs, and officers receiving training in trauma-informed approaches in the court or corrections setting.
In the video, Becky also discusses the importance of working across sectors to build trauma-informed communities, which will better meet the multi-faceted needs of children and families who have experienced trauma. Families that rely on multiple systems within their communities will receive better services and opportunities for healing when each system they interact with is trauma-informed.
By normalizing conversations about trauma, promoting cross-sector collaboration, and working to bring successful interventions to scale, Pathways to Resilience is working to support states and agencies across the nation in becoming trauma informed.
To read more from Becky Haas about how she became involved in trauma-informed training, read her guest blog post: Science Supports an Upstream Approach to Addressing Trauma.