“Trauma-informed mindfulness meditation is where we are working directly with the nervous system in a very gentle way.” — Dr. Pawan Bareja

Pawan Bareja, PhD, is a trauma resolution practitioner who teaches trauma-informed mindfulness meditation at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in San Francisco, California. Mindfulness meditation is an evidence-based “stress buster” that can be used to regulate the stress response and promote healing.

In this video, Dr. Bareja describes trauma-informed mindfulness meditation and how it helps people recognize and address their physical and emotional responses to stressful situations. Anyone can use mindfulness meditation to help find inner peace and balance when experiencing stressors in life, such as illness, family challenges,  or financial worries. Building capacity to face to these stressful situations helps build individual resilience.

Stay tuned for additional videos with experts discussing strategies that can help treat toxic stress and improve health.